Herbie Husker wearing beard made of bees

The Bee Lab at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) pursues research questions and extension programs focused on better understanding various stressors impacting pollinator health.

The UNL Bee Lab is led by Dr. Judy Wu-Smart, assistant professor and extension specialist at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The lab is located on UNL East Campus in the Department of Entomology. Research and extension efforts focus on better understanding what kinds of factors contribute to declining bee populations to help beekeepers, landowners, and homeowners better understand the science behind sustaining healthy bee populations.

Lab research focuses on understanding the vast amount of factors from environmental stressors to biotic stressors, including pests and pathogens, that affect both managed and wild bee populations. In the lab, students aim to better understand these factors and try to find solutions to address the issues.

I love sharing with people how important honeybees and native bees are and how much everybody can help them by just planting more native plant species in your own backyard and on your land.

Courtney Brummel, M.S. alumnae
honey bears

Help Support UNL Bee Lab Research

Honey Order Form Donate to Bee Lab

Funds from honey sales go directly into bee research and graduate student enrichment!

UNL Bee Lab – What We Do

A lot of the Bee Lab research is student-led by graduate and undergraduate students.

UNL Bee Lab Calendar

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